Friday, November 14, 2008

Unsuccessful juggling

Juggling work, school and family...sometimes the balls just fall. It's Friday already, and I'm of course behind on my schoolwork. With computer problems, connection problems, a sick kid, and working late, sometimes there's no time to keep everything going. Enough venting! Here are some tips when you need to keep your toddler happy so you can catch up on everything:

1) Washable crayons and sticker books. As long as your toddler doesn't like to stick everything in their mouth, you should be able to buy some time letting them color. I chose sticker books because the stickers aren't sticky enough to ruin your counter or walls, but enough fun to entertain your toddler for some time and have pages for coloring. Make sure you only bring them out for special occasions.

2) Have some newer toys in reserve. New toys tend to keep their attention for a little while anyway...

3) We have a ton of our son's spare toys in a large bin that he can't get into. If you're desperate, then just move the bin to the middle of the floor, open it and let him at it. You'll have a big mess after, but he'll be so excited to see so many toys it will keep him busy for some time.

4) Assign him a task like picking up his toys. It doesn't sound like fun, but I find my son loves to help out. I ask him to pick up his blocks (scattered all over the living room of course) and he'll go around and pick them up one-by-one, making a trip to put them into their holder in between each block. Make sure to praise him and make a big deal out of how helpful he every time. ;-) Buys you 15 minutes at least.

Well, that's all I have for now. Have a great weekend!


Alison said...

Although I can't relate, since I am not a mother, great blog post! Since you are a mom, you are are a credible source for this! Your blog was brought to my attention because in one of my courses I am working on a PR Campaign for the baby clothing company Zutano. I have visited several mommy blogs for research purposes. There are so many out there! We were looking at one in class, can't remember what it is called, but she started out having a tiny blog and now it is huge. She actually quit her job and makes a living off of her blog now because of advertisements on her page as well as receiving free products to use/ talk about!

Amanda Cooper said...

I cannot believe how busy you must be! I'm only taking one course and working full time and find it difficult to fit everything in. Your blog is interesting since you show that it can be done! I'll keep you in mind if/when I have kids.