Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dinner challenges

My son loves to eat. No, wait, that's not right. Maybe I should say: my son loves to eat what he likes. Unfortunately, vegetables and other healthy foods are not included in that list.

He goes through stages where he wants to eat an apple Nutrigrain Bar for dinner. Every day. I know there are worst things he could prefer, but I'm sure eating these for every meal probably wouldn't help him. The other night, I slaved over a nice dinner of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, peas and corn bread. He didn't want anything to do with them. He had it in his mind that he wanted a Nutrigrain Bar, and that was that.

The solution? Bribery. I gave him a tiny piece of the Nutrigrain Bar, then told him he had to eat such and such if he wanted more. Worked like a charm. In those instances when he doesn't ask for anything in particular and just won't eat his dinner, I break out American cheese (his other favorite). A little piece here and there will coax him to eat everything (except his veggies of course).

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